There are some limits on which vehicle you decide upon for your campervan conversion. However, with a little thought and maybe some inspiration you may well come up with something more unique that suits your lifestyle. In this blog we are looking at the variety of vehicles that you could choose to convert.

Panel Van
Reliable and with lots of choice the panel van is the most popular option. There are also many extras you can add to make the vehicle stand out from the rest: wheels, racks, spotlights, graphics etc.

You could opt for an older vehicle like this 1975 Commer. Why not buy a vehicle that has been previously converted and overhaul it. An engine overhaul and new interior may be just what you are looking for.

Demountable Campervan
These type of campervans are popular in the US and Australia. This gives you the option to go off-road if you go for 4WD vehicle.

School Bus or Skoolie
The Skoolie not only looks great but gives you lots of space inside and a folding door to operate!
Some downsides are that these vehicles not common and you may have to import from the US.
Another benefit of this type of campervan is that you can remove the living space and leave it on the camping ground. This frees up the vehicle for off-roading or perhaps for your daily commute.
A Skoolie can make a great home on wheels but servicing and repair costs may be costly and parts difficult to obtain.

Traditional VW Transporter
The No 1 for many. Riding around in a T1, T2 or T25 is heaven for some people. There is so much choice and options for customisation with a VW.

Expedition Campervan
A great choice if you want to get off the beaten track and explore. Obvious downsides are the size, cost and where to park it.

Car Campervan
If you wanted something smaller then you could convert a car into a campervan. This mini looks like it has a lot of features that a larger campervan would have.

Trike or Rickshaw Campervan
Wow! If you only have a motorcycle licence this may be for you. Small but nimble and this one looks great.

Bicycle Powered Campervan
An economical option that would keep you fit also. We may look into this as our next conversion.
We have hopefully given you some inspiration for your next campervan build and would love to see any of your conversions in our Project Gallery